Women's Event
Hey Ladies,

Join us at the building this Saturday at 6:00. Bring a salad or dessert. It's going to be fun!!!! Mindy Burns will be speaking, Lisa and Stacy have an awesome game planned and dinner is provided.
ROUS  Beth Banham, Monday, 2-22-10 10:09 PM
re: Women's Event
What will Mindy be preaching on?
Steph, Thursday, 2-25-10 2:15 PM
re: Women's Event
Ditto on the preaching subject. And who is Mindy Burns?
ROUS  Amy Bowen, Thursday, 2-25-10 5:46 PM
re: Women's Event
I'm not a woman, nor do I play one on TV (although that could be interesting), but let me step in here:

Mindy Burns is Sarah Lawson's mother. She has shared with us several times, both at church and at the women's Bible study. I am not certain what the topic will be, but you could call either Beth or Sarah to get that info.

Have fun, ladies. I'll be at Men's Retreat
ROUS  Dan Banham, Friday, 2-26-10 3:07 AM
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