Do girls contribute to divorce more than boys???
ROUS  , Friday, 10-3-03 8:55 AM
Not enough information
The article didn't have enough information to actually answer whether girls contribute to divorce more than boys. They suggest that there is a stronger correlation between parents with girls getting a divorce than parents with boys. However, there is no statement at all about how likely parents with girls are to get a divorce relative to a married couple with no kids. It could be that any children help (or any children hurt), and that boys just have a more extreme influence on the decision not to divorce.
ROUS  David , Friday, 10-3-03 3:32 PM
I agree
I agree that they did have a lack of information. Their speculations as to why girls seem to cause divorce more than boys was also just that--speculation. They didn't seem to have much "evidence" drawing their conclusions as they had their own whimsical ideas of why the percentage might be higher for daughters rather than sons.
ROUS  , Monday, 10-6-03 9:02 AM
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