Obsolete Skills
So sad - who knew all of these skills I worked so hard on (like how to rewind a standard cassette tape when my tape player ate it) would become so useless so quickly?

Click on the link to take a peek at what obsolete skills you may possess...
Link: obsolete skills
ROUS  Stephanie Richards, Monday, 4-21-08 1:44 PM
re: Obsolete Skills
I guess I am not That old because while I've operated a rotary phone any number of times, I have no idea how to put a needle on a record or switch tracks on an 8-track. And Dad was the only one who ever operated our reel-to-reel!
However, I did at one point in my early childhood (we're talking less than Grant's age here) know how to load programs from a cassette tape onto a TI99-4A computer, and also how to load from a floppy disk onto a C64. (load "jumpman",8,1 -- don't forget the ,8,1 or it will tell you to "press play on tape!")
ROUS  Annette Collins, Tuesday, 4-22-08 7:50 AM
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