New career for Dave?
Totally different Angela FYI.
Angie, Thursday, 7-21-05 4:57 PM
re: New career for Dave?
I appreciate that Angie is looking out for job possibilities for me. However, I think she may really have caught the "new job" bug.

One really big deal breaker for me would be that the job requires being in Florida for two weeks in August/September. It's a very real possibility that doing so would kill me. I'm simply not meant for that kind of heat.
David, Monday, 7-25-05 3:46 PM
re: New career for Dave?
Maybe you could get one of those fancy neck coolers from the Sharper Image. Then you would be able to survive. I was just thinking this could kill two birds with one stone. Your grandmother and mother would get off your case about getting married, and you could earn an income at it! :)
Angie, Tuesday, 7-26-05 9:43 AM
re: New career for Dave?
dave if you go out to the elephant garlic festival a woman was there last year who was selling neck coolers that get icy cold when they are soaked in water and they last for hours!
ben, Friday, 8-5-05 8:22 PM
re: New career for Dave?
I'm just trying to figure out what Ben was doing at the Elephant Garlic Festival. Is he a closet vampire hunter?
ROUS  Annette Collins, Sunday, 8-7-05 6:02 PM
re: New career for Dave?
Where else would you get garlic ice cream?
ROUS  David , Monday, 8-8-05 3:02 PM
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