bacon love
this takes the bacon mat to a whole new level.
Link: Bacon Explosion
ROUS  Christina Reagan, Monday, 3-2-09 10:13 PM
re: bacon love
I saw that one on the news. Talk about over the top coloresteral.
Debbie, Wednesday, 3-4-09 12:26 PM
re: bacon love
But we all have to go sometime. I can think of worse ways . . .
ROUS  Dan Banham, Wednesday, 3-4-09 2:38 PM
re: bacon love
So is going to make this Bacon adventure for us to eat on a Sunday? Futhermore who is going to arrange for an ambulance to be on and to save the cholesteral and salt overload? :-P
ROUS  Amy Bowen, Wednesday, 3-4-09 3:59 PM
re: bacon love
Hey, I'm up for a couple of bites.
Debbie, Thursday, 3-5-09 1:03 PM
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