hamster + snake =? meal
Just thought this was amusing.
Link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10903211/?GT1=7538
David, Wednesday, 1-18-06 11:28 AM
re: hamster + snake =? meal
I think everyone should check out the video link on the righthand margin on Dave's link. A hands-free umbrella is something Ben and Stephanie and I have been wishing for lately - even Dave may be interested. Would solve his handle-style problem! :)
ROUS  Annette Collins, Wednesday, 1-18-06 5:30 PM
re: hamster + snake =? meal
While it would solve the question of what handle style I want on an umbrella, in doing so it would violate other requirements for the umbrella.
David, Thursday, 1-19-06 2:42 PM
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